Saturday, September 19, 2009

Introducing the NAPA


After weeks of preparation, the Nearly Anacrophonic Phonetic Alphabet is ready to be presented to the public. If you haven't already, visit the NAPA home page and the NAPA design page to find out what this is all about. And please leave comments with suggestions for betters words.

Again, welcome!


  1. At first I was confused. But now I think that was intentional. So to the layman, the point of this is to create a phonetic language with the purpose of being maximumly confusing and useless ?
    Excellent work !

  2. Thanks Dave; I tried to keep a straight face on the main page — maybe I was too successful at that!

  3. Should the 'f' word be spelled 'phantasm'? (Not 'fantasm'). Because these things matter!

    1. Good question! Yes, I wanted each word to start with the correct letter... and "fantasm" is an alternate spelling of "phantasm", at least according to the OED. The confusion then comes from the fact that everyone who hears "f as in fantasm" will think that "fantasm" starts with a "ph".

    2. The same reasoning went into choosing "segar" for the letter "s". Everyone will think that you are saying "cigar".

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
